short tutorial: use adaptors in Forms Builder

xCP 1.x compatible

 Example: the last five active users

This list was dynamically created with the data source adaptor for the application Forms Builder.

First you must create a global or template adaptor. Use the data source adaptor to create a DQL or SQL – Query and include dynamical information from external data source.

The following query returns the last logged in users

select user_name, last_login_utc_time  from dm_user WHERE user_os_name not like 'dm%' AND user_name = SUBSTR( default_folder,2,20)ORDER BY last_login_utc_time DESC ENABLE(RETURN_TOP 5)


Make sure that you are working in the  “Design view” and insert a ReadOnlyTable. The table has a lot of properties, please label the table and select the “Special” tab.

Select your individual adaptor as external data source.

The individual adapter named “hpe_top5_users” and is a global adapter, available for all form templates.

Remember: the output data was created as an indivudual complex type. The output type called “data” and the group named “item”. The individual items are  the result values of the query: user_name and last_login_utc_time.

The output data is sortable. You can relabel the columns and set the visibility and the width of the rows.


The individual adapter named “hpe_top5_users” and is a global adapter, available for all form templates.

The ListBox functionality is very similar to the ReadOnlyTable. The adaptor must be specified for every individual ListBox in the “Data & Storage” tab.

The login-time as unique value is not recommend, because it is not an identifier. The query should be extended with one unique id, for example the r_object_id.

In the ListBox only one value is available. Please select one of the result values of the query.


This figure displays the special tab for the ListBox property. The adaptor will be exectuted when the form initializes.