Federated Search Services
Optional componet allows external sources of information (DB, website, third-party search environment) to be searched along with the Documentum repositories. If FSS (formerly named Enterprise Content Integration Services (ECIS)) is not installed the external sources are not available for searching.
Federated Search Services function trough a two-step process. First, the query broker maps a query into a format supported by an external information source and then submits the query to the source.Then the query processor receiver the requested information from the external source, extracts the metadata, filters the response, and returns the result.
Extended Search option is a part of FSS, which adds the following features:
- Smart navigation: Search results are grouped into clusters of related results in the navigation pane.
- Real-time monitoring: Status of results from various sources is displayed in real time in graphical and tabular formats.
- Search Templates: A search template is like a saved search with part of the search criteria unspecified. The unspecified portion of the criteria is provided by the user while performing the search based on a template. Search templates are available under the Saved Searches node.
Federated Records Services
Federated Records Services (FRS) based an the Virtual Content Management (VCM). VCM is designated to managed one master repository and many source repositories. Objects are not replicated or dublicated, because in the master repository proxy objects were created for every necessary object from the source. Only relevant metadata is trasferred to the master repository.
FRS allows you to connect remote repositories (Documentum, external whird-party repositories) to manage their content from the master Documentum repository without necessarily importing content into the master Documentum environment. FRS provides the ability to configure which sources are to be imported, processed, and managed by the master environment.
FRS proviedes the ability to create a proxy object within a Documentum repositorx that links to the main object stored in the external repository.