EMC has updated the EMCPA credentials

The new Content Management Foundations is focused on Documentum 6.7 and 7, xCP 2.0 and D2. Many of the old Documentum 6.5 / 6.6 stuff become obsolete. A new Content Management Foundations exam (E10-110) is available since June 28th, 2013. Both the E20-120 and E10-110 exams will be available through August 31, 2013.

The E20-120 Content Management Foundations exam will be retired as of September 1, 2013.

The old certificates remain valid.

Please note the documentum versions for the blog entries and headlines. Some of the fundamentals are still valid and helps you to understand EMC’s Documentum.

Follow this link for futher information: Content Management Foundations exam (E10-110)

WP Tiny Statistics

tiny_statistics by Mr.CrazyappleThis is a small piece of code to create a tiny blog statistic.
Two queries counts all blog posts and pages and the second counts all used images.

The third query selects the last four entries from the wordpress posts table.

SQL Part:
Selects the last four modified entries (LIMIT 0, 4). If you want to see more post increase the last number.

require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-includes/query.php');
global $wpdb;
$table__posts = $wpdb->prefix . "posts";

$hpe_count = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT count(*)FROM ".$table__posts." WHERE post_status ='publish' and (post_type ='post' OR post_type ='page') ");
$hpe_imgcount = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT count(*)FROM ".$table__posts." WHERE post_mime_type = 'image/png'");
$sql = "SELECT `ID`,`post_modified_gmt`,`post_title`,`post_status`,`guid`, `post_type`
FROM ".$table__posts."
WHERE post_status ='publish' and (post_type ='post' OR post_type ='page')
ORDER BY `post_modified` DESC LIMIT 0, 4";
$get_articles = $wpdb->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A);

HTML / PHP Part:

<b>Last update:</b>
<?php foreach ($get_articles as $hpe_current_article) { ?>
	<br><strong><?php echo $hpe_current_article['post_type']; ?></strong>:&nbsp;<a href="<?php echo $hpe_current_article['guid']; ?>" target="_self"><?php echo $hpe_current_article['post_title'];?></a> <em><?php echo substr($hpe_current_article['post_modified_gmt'],0,10); ?></em></a> 
<?php }?>
<br> published articles/pages: <b>
<?php echo $hpe_count; ?> </b>
<br> embedded images: <b>
<?php echo $hpe_imgcount; ?> </b>